When I first starting teaching real estate finance, Excel, Argus, and all of the combinations of those three things, everything was done live. This was back in the early 2000s. I didn’t have a viable remote option; the options that were available were slow, buggy, and the bandwidth wasn’t there. Recording video and serving it was still not mainstream; to put things in perspective for younger people, youtube wasn’t founded until 2005.

Over the last fifteen years, I’ve resisted moving from live to remote. Most of the fun of teaching is getting to actually connect with people; when I’ve done remote teaching, it feels like I’m just talking to myself. To paraphrase Lebron James, playing basketball in an empty arena sucks. That said, people do take my class remotely, but usually, the room is around 75% live and 25% remote. It’s balanced, and I have the feedback that makes the class come alive.

Nonetheless, here we are. This is not a drill.

I am still going to teach my financial modeling class as long as it’s safe for me and for the attendees. When the State tells me not to, I’ll go fully remote. In the meantime, if you want to take my Excel for Real Estate Analysis class next week, I’d love to see you in person. If you want to take it remotely, that’s fine too. Sign up like you usually do, and I’ll send you the login and password to the webinar.

Also, if your company needs training for a bunch of people, and you don’t want anyone to travel or meet in person, that’s OK. I have a webcam, a decent mike, a couple of pro-grade lights, and a really nice smile. 🙂 Let me know.

In the meantime, if you want to take the class, the link is below:


Stay safe, wash your hands, and don’t panic. And to quote the movie Contagion (2011),

“Stop touching your face.”